Saturday, December 28, 2019

Fast Food Nation - 1032 Words

Fast Food Nation by Eric Schlosser Tutorial: â€Å"What’s in the meat† – Meat and potatoes Overview: A look into how the meat is prepared. What is in the meat that we don’t know about but still consume. How consumers love it because it’s cheap, quick and easy. Processing of meat, errors associated with the process of beef and chicken. Image Analysis: An effective image employs specific techniques to relay its purpose. This image of 6 year old Alex Donley uses the following techniques to influence the reader or viewers perception of the chapter. Framing, layout, colour, symbols and focus are all crucial aspects of the image. The image is a mid shot of the child’s face, resembling an individual school photo. His expression is relaxed,†¦show more content†¦More than two thirds of those hamburgers were bought at fast food restaurants. And children between the ages of seven and thirteen ate more hamburgers than anyone else.† p.198. A bug that kills children †¢ E. Coli is both a necessary bacteria in the human digestive tract and a very harmful toxin †¢ The effects of the E. coli toxin are can be mild diahorrea, abdominal cramps, vomiting and low grade fever. †¢ E. coli bacteria affects children and the elderly along with people with weak immune systems. †¢ â€Å"I would have done anything to save my son’s life, I would have run in front of a bus to save Alex.† p. 200. All we care to pay †¢ Because fast food is so cheap and accessible, the risks associated with it’s consumption are far from our minds because of the minimal cost. †¢ â€Å"The use of chemicals such as borax and glycerine to disguise the smell of spoiled beef...† p. 204. A matter of will †¢ The only way this issue can be resolved is if the fast food companies are willing to take the initiative to minimise the spread of disease. †¢ Every...manager attend a food safety course, that every refrigerated delivery truck have a record keeping thermometer mounted inside it...† p. 208. A lack of recall †¢ By the time food is recalled, it is too late as most of it has already been consumed and the recalls are voluntary. †¢ â€Å"the company made no effort to warn the public or to recall the frozen patties...† Our friend the atom †¢ The sub chapterShow MoreRelatedFast Food Nation1487 Words   |  6 PagesThe Changing of the Food Industry â€Å"In many respects, the fast food industry embodies the best and worst of American capitalism at the start of the twenty-first century – its constant stream of new products and innovations, its widening gulf between gulf between rich and poor† (Schlosser 6). In 2001 Eric Schlosser published â€Å"Fast Food Nation.† Eric Schlosser’s early 21st century muckraking text, â€Å"Fast Food Nation,† attempts to shed light on the consequences of the fast food industry on AmericanRead MoreFast Food Nation1271 Words   |  6 PagesIntro  to  Political  Science 5/12/2013 Fast  Food  Nation The  investigative  journalist,  Eric  Schlosser,  has  written  a  book  to  illuminate  an  epidemic  that started  in  America  and  is  now  becoming  one  of  the  world’s  largest  problems.  In  Fast  Food  Nation, Schlosser  frames  today’s  Fast  Food  giants  in  history,American  entrepreneurialism,  and  over consumption  in  respect  to  consumer  and  employee  wellbeing.  The  power  of  all  modern  Fast  Food giants  combined  have  eclipsed  the  power  of  any  one  government.  Marketing  has  become  a  keyRead MoreFast Food Nation1133 Words   |  5 PagesFast Food Nation Fast Food Nation, by Eric Schlosser, is a stark and unrelenting look into the fast food industry that has ingrained itself in not only American culture, but in culture around the world. There is almost no place on earth that the golden arches has not entered. Aside from Antarctica, there is a McDonalds on every continent, and the number of countries that have fast food restaurants is growing on a daily basis. Schlosser describes in detail what happens behind the scenes, beforeRead MoreFast Food Nation2536 Words   |  11 PagesDialectical Journal – Fast Food Nation 1. â€Å"Hundreds of millions of people buy fast food every day without giving it much thought, unaware of the subtle and not so subtle ramifications of their purchases. They rarely consider where this food came from, how it was made, what it is doing to the community around them. They just grab their tray off the counter, find a table, take a seat, unwrap the paper, and dig in† (Schlosser 10). In this passage from the introduction, Eric Schlosser directly statesRead MoreFast Food Nation Examines The History Of The Fast Food1847 Words   |  8 PagesFast Food Nation examines the history of the fast food industry as the world began to consume the idea of quick and easy cuisine. This piece of investigative journalism really gives it s readers a look at the fast food industry and its development over time. This book is divided into two sections. The first section delves into the beginnings of the industry and how it developed into the large corporational business it is today. Th e second section examines the business behind the scenes. The bookRead MoreExamples Of Rhetorics In Fast Food Nation1038 Words   |  5 Pagesvery effective or ineffective at persuading an audience. This is seen in Eric Schlosser’s book Fast Food Nation in which he uses the three rhetoric tenets to better assure his claim of fast food but also use the rhetoric tenets ineffectively in an argument. By using these rhetorical ideas, his writing is very persuasive at points but also left unsuccessful at other times. The use of ethos in Fast Food Nation is seen many times to help Schlosser appeal as credible and trustworthy while ensuring thatRead MoreFast Food Nation: The Inconvenient Truth of Fast Food Essay572 Words   |  3 Pages ‘Fast Food Nation’ by Eric Schlosser traces the history of fast food industry from old hot dog stands to the billion dollar franchise companies established as America spread its influence of quick, easy and greasy cuisine around the globe. It is a brilliant piece of investigative journalism that looks deep into the industries that have profited from the American agriculture business, while engaging in labor practices that are often shameful. In Fast Food Nation, Schlosser goes beyond the factsRead MoreEric Schlossers Fast Food Nation And The Jungle1698 Words   |  7 PagesFast food restaurants exude bright colors, distribute meals with toys, and create a sense of happiness, but what truly goes on behind the scenes of this magical industry? In Eric Schlosser’s Fast Food Nation and Upton Sinclair’s The Jungle, the authors use similar rhetorical strategies to reveal the motives and unconventional practices of the food industry. Schlosser conveys his purpose through the utilization of pathos, ethos, anecdotes and imagery as compared to Sinclair who uses historical referencesRead MoreFast Food Nation Essay804 Words   |  4 Pagesstudy called â€Å"Fast Food Nation 2008. The panel consisted of 1,000 respondents of ages 16-65 who provided their inputs with an online survey which was conducted between March 13 through 2008. Which was based on results on fast food restaurants like McDonald’s, Burger King , and Wendy’s are gaining popularity even through the economic hardship and recession. Marketing strategy has become more of influence on kids and young American’s. As population grows and the demand increases of fast food restaurantsRead MoreFast Food Nation By Eric Schlosser1678 Words   |  7 Pagesâ€Å"Congress should ban advertising that preys upon children, it should stop subsidizing dead-end jobs, it should pass tougher food safety laws, it should protect American workers from serious harm, it should fight against dangerous concentrations of economic power (Schlosser). People must wonder how is it that a fast food company has so much customers. Advertising is the answer. The power advertisers have to be able to influence so many people s decisions and affect people’s lives especially the lives

Friday, December 20, 2019

The Art Of The Folk - 1699 Words

The Art of the Folk: Jazz, Blues, Folktales, Dance: The Harlem Renaissance During the nineteenth- mid-twentieth century, folk became very popular and widely known within the nation. Folk is considered the ordinary citizens of a public or district considered as the agents of a conventional lifestyle and particularly as the originators or bearers of the traditions, convictions, and expressions that make up an unmistakable culture. When people started to realize, their potential and become open to the public about their abilities, the art of the folk begun to suddenly become more diverse. It became diverse in jazz, blues, folktales, and dance; some of the major aspects that caused todays music to be what it is in the twenty first century.†¦show more content†¦Jazz has no impediments, no course of music. Jazz is extemporization, and an approach to express happiness and passion. Jazz became very popular around the world. New Orleans was the one place where the stunning and uncov ering jazz style advanced. Jazz became so advanced that other artists noticed that each instrument that was played had a different sound that could attract to the soul. The instruments were, cornet, clarinet, trombone, tuba or bass, piano, banjo, and drums ( These instruments turned into a splendid arrangement underscoring free additionally pleasingly synchronized music lines. Jazz was very influential in the music industry. Charlie Parker one of the greatest musicians of all times once said, â€Å"Master your instrument, master the music, then forget all that and just play.† (Parker 2.) During the Harlem Renaissance jazz became an outlet on how African Americans expressed their feelings without words. It became the reason as to why we have blues, and other famous types of artistic expression. Blues, on the other hand is considered the sibling of Jazz and of the Harlem Renaissance era. Blues is a vital sort of music. Most music that you hear today has some type of recreation of the blues. The blues created a way for the music that we have today. Without blues there would not be any hip hop, rap, pop, R and B or gospel. Blues is likewise critical for African American culture. African Americans were additionally the general population who beganShow MoreRelatedWhen visiting the McKissick Museum I was engrossed by the American Folk Art, ceramic Face Jugs,600 Words   |  3 PagesWhen visiting the McKissick Museum I was engrossed by the American Folk Art, ceramic Face Jugs, also known as ugly or grotesque jugs. There are gaps in the history in regards to how the face jugs were made, what they were used for, and the meaning of the face vessel pottery. However it is believed that these vessels were original, useful, creative expressions of the African slave culture of the time created as early as the seventeenth century. Few artists of face jugs have been identified and theirRead MoreArt And Culture Of Mexico1304 Words   |  6 Pages I visited the National Museum of Mexican Art to find out more about the art and culture of Mexico. An interesting exhibit found in the museum is called Nuestra Historias: Stories of Mexican Identity from the Permanent Collection. The exhibit displays various artworks from the 18th through the 20th century. The purpose of the exhibit is to show how the Mexican identity has been altered throughout time and different regions. After the Mexican Revolution, modern Mexican artists were significant figuresRead MoreThe Culture Of Folk Culture863 Words   |  4 Pagessmaller communities is considered folk culture. Though, most of the legends, jokes, and myths told from these specific families in past generations die off, accustoming to the specific events that are occurring today. This is recognized as popular culture or â€Å"po p culture†; appealing to a larger and more general audience. The creation of a certain type of culture, including â€Å"pop culture,† must have a starting place whereas in this case its mother is folk culture. Folk culture reveals the strength andRead MoreThe Taj Mahal or The Golden Temple820 Words   |  3 PagesTABLE OF CONTENTS Painted Art 1 History 1 Murals and Miniatures 1 Folk and Tribal Art 1 Religious Art 1 Christian Art 1 Buddhist Art 2 Islamic Art 2 Architectural Art 2 Taj Mahal 2 The Golden Temple 2 Humayun’s Tomb 2 Festivals 3 Dance 3 Theater 3 Music 3 India has some of the world’s greatest arts. For example the Taj Mahal, the Golden Temple, and Sri Ranganathaswamy Temple. In India, art is expressed in many different forms. India has one of the world’s largest collections of songs, musicRead MoreSikh and Punjabi1563 Words   |  7 Pagesregion of  Majha,  [6]  centralizing in  Lahore  and  Amritsar. Along with  Lahnda  and  Western Pahari  languages, Punjabi is unusual among modern Indo-European languages because it is  a tonal language. Different Art forms in Punjab GATKA (MARSHAL ART OF PUNJAB) Gatka  (à ¨â€"à ¨ ¤Ã  ¨â€¢Ã  ¨ ¾)  is a weapon-based Indian Marshal art created by the  Sikhs of the Punjab. The Punjabi word  gatka  refers to the wooden stick used in sparring matches. The term might have originated as a diminutive of the Sanskrit   word  gadha or mace.  A moreRead More Hungarian Peasant and Folk Music Essay1562 Words   |  7 PagesHungarian Peasant and Folk Music I. General confusion about Hungarian folk music. Gypsy music Peasant music - the real Hungarian folk music - is not Gypsy music. Peasant music certainly had influence on the songs and playing of gypsies who lived in Hungary and performed in ensembles, though. Gypsy music used to be the basis of all generalizations about Hungarian music. It was Ferenc Liszts monumental error to state that Gypsy music is the creation of gypsies. The so called gypsy scale pointsRead MoreTaking a Look at Natyasastra674 Words   |  3 Pageslack of interest of folk and illiterate people. Sanskrit theatre became Brahminical and elitist. Folk theatre is the next prominent theatre after Sanskrit theatre. Bharata in Natyasastra has also acknowledged the existence of so many folk forms of theatre even in those days. Many scholars believe that both forms of theatres begin simultaneously and Sanskrit theatre was popular among higher class of the society while folk theatre was popular among villages and lower class people. Folk theatre usuallyRead MoreDefining the Humanities Essay1179 Words   |  5 Pagesmusic was an expression of what I know about the humanities, art, style, genius, and culture from the 60s. I will also discuss how the music of the 60s compares with other forms I know about from the same period. One of the definitions of humanities, according to the American Heritage Dictionary, is â€Å"Those branches of knowledge, such as philosophy, literature, and art, that are concerned with human thought and culture; the liberal arts.† Culture is a big part of humanities. Culture, as definedRead MoreNegro Spirituals1624 Words   |  7 PagesNegro Spirituals Spirituals, a religious folk song of American origin, particularly associated with African-American Protestants of the southern United States. The African-American spiritual, characterized by syncopation, polyrhythmic structure, and the pentatonic scale of five whole tones, is, above all, a deeply emotional song. Spirituals are really the most characteristic product of the race genius as yet in America. But the very elements which make them uniquely expressive of the Negro make themRead MoreEssay on Negro Spirituals1630 Words   |  7 Pages Negro Spirituals Spirituals, a religious folk song of American origin, particularly associated with African-American Protestants of the southern United States. The African-American spiritual, characterized by syncopation, polyrhythmic structure, and the pentatonic scale of five whole tones, is, above all, a deeply emotional song. Spirituals are really the most characteristic product of the race genius as yet in America. But the very elements which make them uniquely expressive of the Negro make

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Management of Organization Sports and Fashion Brands

Question: Discuss about theManagement of Organization for Sports and Fashion Brands. Answer: Introduction Sports direct started as a single store located in Maidenhead, which was founded by mike Ashley in the year 1982. Eventually, the company has not only became the largest sports retailer as far as the revenue and profit is concerned but also owns a huge number of lifestyle, sports and fashion brands that are famous worldwide. They have around 420 stores in the United Kingdom. out of the 420 stores, majority of them under the trademark of The premium lifestyles division currently operates in 130 stores in the United Kingdom and the stores operate under the trademarks of USC, Flannels, Van Mildert and Cruise ( 2016). The international presence of Sports Direct is also commendable. Sports Direct has retails store that is entirely owned by them, joint ventures with various retailers and have their products in stores that are owned by other retailers. In the 19 European countries, there are 270 stores of Sports Direct. It is evident that sports industry has experienced an increasing growth from past few decades. Especially, the European countries have expressed a considerable interest towards the sports programs. This has opened up the opportunities for the sports brands to expand the business by penetrating in target market. Due to the tremendous performance of Sports Direct, it has gained strong market presence around the globe. One of the major principles of the organization is to meet the potential needs of the sports lover and design the products. In addition, the brand has enormous reputation of applying innovation in its products and services. However, the strategy of Sports Direct is not to stop and keep on growing and developing. The current strategy of Sports Direct is to expand in the EEA countries in the coming three to five years ( 2016). The marketing strategy of sport direct is not limited to the brick and mortar stores. Their online presence is also strong and they deliver the products to the doorstep of the individuals. The mission and vision of Sports Direct is to become the leading lifestyle and sports retailer in the market of the United Kingdom as well as internationally. Sports Direct aims at sustainable growth of the shareholders by delivering the customers with high quality products and products of the leading brands ( 2016). They aim to grow by increasing their efficiency, effectiveness and the capacity of the operations to satisfy the customers. The mission statement of Sports Direct is to provide customers with high quality sports clothes and equipments at an affordable price and give unmatched customer service (the Guardian 2016). Some of the values of sports direct are: To work as a single team Plan for future success Strive to lead in the business as well as help in energizing other people Do things in ethical manner Create a good impression on the customers as well as in the market Satisfying the customers Deliver proper results The values of the company and then development of the employees has helped in high performance of the company and high reward for the company that has helped in achieving success for the organization. Self-Reflection The completion of the report gave me an enormous satisfaction as I have gained the opportunity to gain knowledge regarding each aspect of the sports industry. I have also observed that sports industry has increasingly been developing since the demands of sports programs are increasing rapidly. I have understood how the marketers utilize the opportunities of the markets that have high demand. While focusing on the strategies implemented by the sports brands, I have pointed out that sports brands tend to implement the changing trends of peoples life style. In addition, another significant aspect I have found out that is the application of the innovation in its products and services. By applying innovation in the products and services, the sports brands effectively meet the changing needs of the customers. However, the current scenario of each industry indicate that organizations have started embracing the trends of innovation to access the large market within short time to meet the dem ands of the customers. Notwithstanding, I have realized sports brands are still now able to penetrate in the market through the trends of e-commerce. Lastly, a secondary research on the current topic would have increased my knowledge to a greater extent. By completing the project, I have developed my observation skills that I could utilize further in my academic studies. Conclusion On the conclusion of the report, it can further be added that sports industry is one of the growing industries. Thus, the sports brands have got the rush to develop and innovate the products and services. In addition, there is an increasing competition among the sports brands due to the growing demands of the sports programs. Therefore, the large sports brands like Sports Direct have utilized the innovative marketing strategies like applying innovation in its products and services. The core strategy of developing the products with current trends of fashion helps the organization best meets the needs of customers. Lastly, it can be added that innovative strategies could help the organization to access vast market within short time with best investment strategies. References 2016.Sports Direct International PLC, SPD:LSE summary - [online] Available at: [Accessed 4 Sep. 2016]., 2016.About Us | [online] Available at: [Accessed 4 Sep. 2016]., 2016.Annual Report Accounts 2016. 1st ed. [ebook] Available at: [Accessed 4 Sep. 2016]. the Guardian, 2016.Sports Direct International | Business | The Guardian. [online] the Guardian. Available at: [Accessed 4 Sep. 2016].

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Short Biography of Django Reinhardt free essay sample

The Hardships and Upcoming of Dagon Reinhardt Dagon Reinhardt once said Jazz attracted me because in it I found a formal perfection and instrumental precision that I admire in classical music, but which popular music doesnt have. Reinhardt had worked very, very hard to get to the peak of his career. His life was like a story In the genre of Rags to Riches because he wasnt born with the best of beginnings, but he still accomplished the Impossible and became the first Important European Jazz musicals, still known by musicians today.Dagon was born, as Jean Reinhardt In Liberties, Pont-a-Cells, Belgium on January 23rd 1910, Into a poor family. HIS father Is Jean Eugene Weiss (also goes by the alias of Jean-Baptists Reinhardt) and his mother Is Laurence Reinhardt. Dagon In Romania language means to awake. In his early childhood Jean lived In Romania (Gypsy) encampments close to Pans. We will write a custom essay sample on Short Biography of Django Reinhardt or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page He was also very attracted to music at an early age. A funny fact is that his first instrument was that he actually played the violin first despite that hell become best- known for the guitar.He received his first quit « as a gift when he was twelve years old, specifically it was a banjo-guitar. He quickly learned how to play without any tutoring; Dagon learned through watching other musicians play and copying their fingerings. At the age of thirteen he was able to make a living off of playing music, but the consequence for that was that he received very little education and he only learned reading and writing in his adult life.When he was 18 there was a fire that injured him. His right leg, fourth and fifth fingers were paralyzed because of this, and even though two of his most important engineers were paralyzed he still sought out to relearn the way of the guitar with only 2 fingers. He discovered Jazz and traded his banjo-guitar in for a Seller Guitar between 1929 and 1933. Between 1934 and the start of World War 2 (1939), Dagon toured the united Kingdoms with his quintet.After the world war he toured the united States; he was a great success, however, the more popular bands didnt really cooperate with him. In 1947, he returned to France, but It was difficult for him to adapt to modern life. He was very popular and he had many sold out concerts, but he often skipped out on hem and did other things Like wandering off to the beach, to the park, sleep, etc. HIS fans, bands, and managers considered him extremely unpredictable.He retired in 1951, but he still loved music so he continued to play In clubs. After his retirement he started learning how to play the electric guitar. Using this, Dagon new style he created was short lived because, in 1953, when he was walking home from playing in a Paris club, he collapsed from brain hemorrhage. It took a full day for doctors to arrive because it was a Saturday and he was declared dead on arrival at the hospital.